Jamelia Needed Fake Lips After Dirty Dancing Accident

  • 15 January 2014

Jamelia had to have fake lips in a music video after she injured her mouth at a party while doing the 'Dirty Dancing' lift with Blue star Duncan James.

The singer-and-TV star had been enjoying a few drinks with Duncan at a party when they decided to attempt the routine made famous by Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey in the 1987 hit film.

Although their initial attempt went smoothly, the following time they re-created the lift Jamelia slipped and cut her lip, sparking panic the video shoot for her 2004 hit 'See It in a Boy's Eyes' scheduled for the next day would be ruined.

However, her injury was masked by CGI trickery in the final video.

Speaking on British talk show 'Loose Women' - on which Jamelia is now a panellist - Duncan explained: ''We actually have a funny story together.

''We were at this party the night before and Jamelia had a video shoot the next day for 'See It In A Boy's Eyes' ... and we had a few drinks and we were trying to do the lift in 'Dirty Dancing'. We thought it was kind of cool so we did it once, then we then this is cool and we did it again - she went, 'Urgh' and put her tooth through her lips. And she had the shoot the next day.''

Jamelia - who was in fits of giggles while recalling the incident - added: ''If you watch the video they had to cartoon-ise my lip. It's not my real lip in the video.''