James Van Der Beek Thinks Third Child Will Be Trickier

  • 19 January 2014

James Van Der Beek thinks having another child will make his life ''trickier.''

The 36-year-old actor's wife Kimberly is set to give birth to their third child ''very soon'' and he admits that it will be challenging juggling a newborn with their 22-month-old son, Joshua, and three-year-old daughter, Olivia.

The former 'Dawson's Creek' star told People.com: ''There are moments where we will be dealing with the two, it will be a handful and I'll think, 'Well, this is about to get even trickier.'''

But the 'Friends With Better Lives' appreciates everything he has in life and credits his children for helping him to stay grounded in Hollywood.

He said: ''The kids are the best home base you could possibly have. It tethers you to reality. I can go to work and just go as far out as I can get and I know that by the time I come home, I'll be brought right back to earth.''

James' children are very excited to welcome the new addition to their family and his daughter has been having ''heart-to-hearts'' with Joshua to help him prepare.

The actor said: ''I think he gets it on some level -- maybe not on an immediate level -- but in some part of his heart and soul he does.''