Woody Allen Finally Responds To Dylan Farrow's Accusations Of Sexual Abuse

  • 08 February 2014

It has been one week since Woody Allen's adopted daughter Dylan Farrow published an open letter in the New York Times (Feb 1st), detailing the sexual abuse she received from the film maker.

In that time there has been a media frenzy surrounding these accusations and so far, only Allen's attorney has responded, claiming that the letter was "engineered by a vengeful lover," which seems to be directed at Mia Farrow.

But now the 'Blue Jasmine' director has finally aired his side of the story, penning an article that the NY Times, yet again, published (Feb 7th).

"Being taught to hate your father and made to believe he molested you has already taken a psychological toll on this lovely young woman," he wrote of Dylan, now 28.

"Its 21 years later and Dylan has come forward with the accusations that the Yale experts investigated and found false," Allen added. "A few little added creative flourishes.seem to have magically appeared during our 21-year estrangement."

And similar to his lawyers, Woody also put the blame on his former partner Mia. "Not that I doubt Dylan hasn't come to believe she's been molested, but if from the age of 7 a vulnerable child is taught by a strong mother to hate her father because he is a monster who abused her, is it so inconceivable that after many years of this indoctrination the image of me Mia wanted to establish had taken root?" he ponded.

Image caption Mia Farrow is taking the blame for the sexual abuse accusations

In 1992 Allen had an affair with Mia's adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn, and this led to their split. But what followed was an intense and ugly custody battle over their children.

"Mia took custody of the children and we went our separate ways," he recalled. "I was heartbroken. Moses was angry with me. Ronan I didn't know well because Mia would never let me get close to him from the moment he was born and Dylan, whom I adored and was very close to and about whom Mia called my sister in a rage and said, 'He took my daughter, now I'll take his.'"

Allen concluded the letter by stating, "Of course, I did not molest Dylan. I loved her and hope one day she will grasp how she has been cheated out of having a loving father and exploited by a mother more interested in her own festering anger than her daughter's well-being."

He also noted the end by informing the readers that this will be his "final word on this entire matter."

Image caption Woody Allen and current wife Soon-Yi Previn, who is the adopted daughter of Mia