Guardians Of The Galaxy: He's Big. He's Clever. He's Basically A Tree. Meet Groot

  • 24 February 2014

One week into promotion, it’s becoming clear that no one with any internet access will be safe from Guardians of the Galaxy until August 1st, when the new Marvel flick is due to come out. In that spirit, we might as well just give in and talk about the Guardians for a while – especially the most ignored one, the lovable, but slightly terrifying Groot.

Image caption Is he scary or endearing?

Vin Diesel, who plays the genetically engineered treelike humanoid, recently shared some bonus content on his facebook page. Diesel posted a photo of himself in the motion capture suit, used to create Groot’s movement. The actor added the following message: “Wait until you see what James Gunn has done with Guardians of the Galaxy… I was lucky to be able to see so much of it... and I gotta say, the cast is so damn good in this movie… Haha, you will see… August 1st!”

Vin Diesel as Groot - that alone makes Guardians worth seeing.

As the most underappreciated character, it was only fair that Groot got his own featurette. Apart from the fact that he’s “been traveling recently as Rocket’s personal houseplant/muscle” and that he’s “one of the strangest characters Marvel has ever attempted to put on film” (Diesel’s own words), the 23-second clip doesn’t reveal much, or anything at all about the lumbering… pet.

From Marvel mythology we know that he wasn’t always the cute and cuddly humanoid we know today. Groot originally came to earth to capture and study humans. He’s also a genius, who can control plants with his mind, although you’d never know it from his looks. With characters like this, whatever GotG turns out to be, it sure won’t be boring.

Watch the Guardian of the Galaxy trailer: