Why Are Leonardo DiCaprio And Harry Styles Hanging Out?

  • 08 March 2014

One is a celebrated actor, firmly entrenched in the culture of A-List stardom, while the other is the face of a band that has created more fan hysteria than any other since The Beatles were in their pomp. But why are Leonardo Dicaprio and Harry Styles hanging out so much?

Image caption These two are talking "work and woman" - feel sick yet?

"Leo's production company Appian Way has at least ten movie projects in the works with roles that could interest Harry,” a source explained to The Sun, clearing up one of life’s bigger questions.

"Leo's invited Harry over to his house for a long weekend when their schedules allow to talk work and women. Bradley Cooper will probably be around too," they added.

DiCaprio is fresh from The Oscars, where his film – The Wolf of Wall Street – failed to pick up any awards despite being nominated in 5. On any other year, perhaps, Martin Scorsese’s black comedy would have picked up one or two, but with competition in the form of 12 Years a Slave, Dallas Buyers Club and Gravity, this wasn’t the season to be an outsider.

Harry, on the other hand, has been batting off rumors that his riduclously popular boy band are breaking up. "We're not breaking up,” he said, simply. “We've spent every day together for months and forgot what my mum looked like. It's just holidays."

Harry added: “We have been writing away for the next album and rehearsals are just about to start soon for the tour. We're not splitting up. We're on WhatsApp messaging each other all the time, talking about song ideas and just funny stuff from our day. It's been a while since we have all been together so we are enjoying being back in each other's company."