Oasis Tipped To Play Glastonbury 2014, After Liam's Cryptic Tweets

  • 25 April 2014

An Oasis reunion could be on the horizon after frontman Liam Gallagher tweeted the letters of the band's name over the course of a few hours on Thursday evening (April 24, 2014). Bookmakers Paddy Power subsequently suspended betting on the band playing Glastonbury 2014.

Image caption Liam Gallagher Hinted at an Oasis Reunion

Gallagher, who tweeted O, A, S, I, S, followed it up by posting, Oasis LG.

Paddy Power tweeted, "Betting now suspended on #Oasis to play Glastonbury."

It is thought that Michael Eavis is still on the hunt for a third headliner for this year's festival, with Arcade Fire and Kasabian confirmed for two of the slots. Pixies are likely to headline The Other Stage and although Metallica were rumoured to take the third and final slot on the Pyramid - Oasis's close alignment with Kasabian could tempt Liam and brother Noel Gallagher to play. The band's last appearance at the festival, in 2004, was largely criticised.

Liam - who recently went through a divorce from Nicole Appleton - previously hinted at a reunion saying Oasis had "unfinished business" and suggesting that he and brother Noel could "bury for hatchet for a quick lap of honour".

"There's unfinished business there. People ask would I get Oasis back together. I'd do it for nowt, but if someone's going to drop a load of f*cking money, I'd do it for that too. I don't think we'd ever make another record. I doubt we'll ever get back together," he told NME.

The Manchester brothers have made no secret of their willingness to perform big gigs and tours for megabucks and an Oasis reunion would be hugely lucrative for both.

The band split in August 2009 after an alleged backstage bust-up in Paris, France and Noel reportedly turned down £20 million to reunite for an Oasis world tour in December last year.

Image caption Would Noel Gallagher Be Up For A Reunion? 

Liam and Noel's brother Paul Gallagher told an Irish music documentary, "Liam was always going to carry on and do his own thing. I've got a funny feeling something might happen in the future, in two years' time, maybe three."

He went on: "All it takes is two guys to say, 'You know what, I'm sorry, but I love you.' That's all it takes, it's not hard. It's easy.

Adding credence to the rumours is the planned re-release of the band's debut album Definitely Maybe, which celebrates its 20th anniversary on May 19.

Fans have already begun speculating on the mystery tweets. One fan wrote: "So @liamgallagher has done the s. What is he gonna tweet next? (sic)."

Another added: "Liam Gallagher WHAT R U TRYING TO TELL US. (sic)"

More: Noel Gallagher's Oasis movie in the pipeline

More: Could THIS be the lineup for Glastonbury 2014?