'Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice': So, We're Getting A Justice League Movie

  • 22 May 2014

Warner Bros has announced the official title for the Man of Steel sequel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The title effectively confirms the studio's plans to expand into a Justice League trilogy.

The sticklers amongst Batman/Superman fans have already noted that the title contains just a 'v' rather than a 'vs'.

A logo for the movie was released too, showing both Superman and Batman's iconic emblems.

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Director Zack Synder revealed the first glimpse of Ben Affleck as Batman last week, showing an older, darker brooding Caped Crusader, however, filmmaker Kevin Smith has since revealed that, having seen the new Batsuit, Warner Bros are returning to the original grey and blue colors.

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice will star Affleck and Henry Cavill as the duelling leads, as well as Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane. Gal Gadot plays Wonder Woman, Jesse Eisenberg plays Lex Luthor and Jeremy Irons takes over from Michael Caine as butler Alfred.

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Zynder is directing once again with the movie beginning production today (May 22, 2014) and filming in and around Detroit, as well as Illinois, Africa and the South Pacific.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is set for release on July 15, 2015.