Angelina Jolie Wants 'individual' Daughters

  • 24 May 2014

Angelina Jolie wants her daughters to be proud of themselves.

The 'Maleficent' actress - who raises children Maddox, 12, Pax, 10, Zahara, nine, Shiloh, seven, and five-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne with fiancé Brad Pitt - thinks young women have too many opinions ''forced'' on them, so she wants her girls to develop their own individuality.

She said: ''I think of my girls and I just want them to be proud of who they are and know who they are. There is so much being forced upon young people today about what they should be like.

''You see so much opinion being thrown at young people and everything they do gets sent out into the media and then gets rated. I would like for young girls to be able to find out who they each individually are and be really proud of it, no matter what comes their way.''

The actress always tries to be a ''better person'', and though she can't understand people's negative opinions of her when she was younger, she hopes she is now a good role model.

She told Stylist magazine: ''It's a funny thing. I have been in the public for so long, and people have opinions that I was darker or I was this or that.

''But I never hurt anybody or ever said anything cruel about anybody.

''I never intentionally did anything to impose myself on another person or hurt or shock.

''I just wanted to be very free and I was just growing up. I feel like I've always been the same person; I am my mother's daughter.

''But I'm trying every day, like everybody, to be a better mother and a better person. And any time I catch myself being less than I want to be, I want to stop and check myself.

''In doing so, if I have become a role model for any young women, I hope I'm a good one.''