Kanye West Made Venue Changes

  • 30 May 2014

Kanye West spent the hour before he got married turning the bar at their reception venue into ''art''.

The 'Bound 2' hitmaker made a number of last-minute changes at Florence's Forti di Belvedere last weekend and was particularly hands-on when it came to changing the all-white drinks area, taking a saw and cutting it in half.

According to the New York Post newspaper's Page Six column, Kanye - whose wedding celebrations to Kim Kardashian had begun in Paris, France on Friday (23.05.14) before they flew their guests to Italy for the ceremony - ''screamed'' at those around them as he ''defaced'' the bar with the saw, before insisting on having two pieces of raw wood nailed to the front.

He then proclaimed: ''Now, it's art.''

Earlier in the day, Kanye had also requested 80 moving lights which had taken four days to install and were designed to light the dance floor and party be removed

He is said to have declared: ''I'm in the centre of this party, and I'm the only one people need to see. The rest of these people don't need lights on them.''

Just four days before the wedding, Kim and Kanye had ordered 30 life-size nudes be made from black marble, and though they were worked on around the clock, 10 fell apart, 10 were too damaged in transit to put out and four were missing their heads.

They were put out around the dinner tables, but two hours before the ceremony, the rapper requested they be moved further away.

The half-ton statues were still being moved as guests arrived.

According to the report, seating at the venue was chaotic because so many people arrived with entourages, only the newlyweds were able to sit in their designated places - which had been allocated by engravings made into the marble tables.