Charlie Chaplin's Iconic Outfit On Sale

  • 11 June 2014

A costume worn by Charlie Chaplin as his iconic Little Tramp character is on sale for $195,000 (£121,875).

Chaplin is best remembered for donning the suit and bowler hat combination to portray a bumbling vagrant striving to behave like a gentleman.

The movie icon was reportedly first given the outfit by Scottish actor Billie Ritchie, who had been perfecting the 'tramp' role in silent comedies.

Chaplin went on to make the role famous in a number of films including A Dog's Life, and the character's instantly recognisable outfit is now being sold by movie memorabilia site Moments In Time for $195,000.

The lot includes a suit, hat, walking cane and pair of shoes worn by the actor, and documents detailing the relationship between Chaplin and Ritchie.