Kanye West Talks Tech, Culture And Annie Lebowitz At Lions Tech Conference

  • 18 June 2014

Sometimes Kanye West says amazing, revolutionary things about self love or race. Other times, he accuses Annie Lebowitz for ruining his wedding photos – by not taking them at all. Speaking at Cannes Lions Creativity Conference on Tuesday, West let loose a long rant on the struggles of having to use another photographer and work on one particular photo for days, before it was deemed worthy of Instagram.

Image caption Who would have thought that some wedding photos could cause this much trouble?

“We worked on our wedding photo for four days until it was good enough for Instagram,” West said, according to the New York Daily News, adding that his wife, Kim Kardashian, was “pissed off” and “exhausted” on their honeymoon after working on the photo so much. The complaint is strange enough on its own, but the rapper then got Lebowitz involved, accusing her of being “afraid of celebrity.”

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West was speaking at the "Technology, Culture, and Consumer Adoption: Learning to Read the Cultural Landscape" seminar, since he is, admittedly, well versed in all those things. The actual speech was mostly centered around cultural adoption, with West mentioning his Bound 2 video and controversial Vogue wedding cover as an example (quote via MTV).

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"I still take bashing from the 'Bound' video, and I always say, but if the Vogue came out before the 'Bound' video, everybody would've been like, "Oh, it's OK," and that's with the endorsement. We hadn't gotten the endorsement yet from something established like Vogue to make everything OK. It's like, when we had the wedding, "Oh, great, yes, that's cool now," because we were told by people who endorsed it."

For some more context, check out the excerpt of Kanye’s speech below.