The Definitive Guide To Watching The Emmys (When Your Favourites Got Snubbed)

  • 11 July 2014

Few moments are more important in television than Emmy season. Like, how will we know which new shows are good, if the Academy doesn’t tell us? Alternatively, if your favorite show got snubbed this year, you’ll probably still be watching with your best ironic sneer, being all: “This got nominated over Orphan Black?” Hypothetically, of course.

So, whether your shows got nominated or not, here is the definitive guide to watching the Emmys this year. Works for beginners, as well as advanced TV maniacs.

Image caption Tywin Lannister is judging you.

Next, put on your most comfortable fun time outfit – feel free to draw on Bryan Cranston’s infamous underwear ensemble for inspiration. If it’s good enough for the Best Actor nominee, it’s good enough for you, right? The full list of nominees is available over on Entertainment Weekly.

Settle in with a nice ball of pop corn/nachos/candy/etc. tune in and watch beautiful people act as walking advertisements for expensive clothes, jewellery and lifestyle, while you contemplate where your life is heading. Happy Emmys season, everyone!

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