Why ‘The House Of Magic’ Is The Movie To Go See This Weekend

  • 25 July 2014

If you’re looking for a cinematic treat for all the family this weekend, then look no further than The House of Magic. This fun filled 3-D adventure promises to entertain young and old with its stunning visual effects and exciting cast of characters. Plus it might just contain the cutest movie kitten ever!

Image caption Thunder, your new favourite screen kitten

Meet Thunder, a wide eyed ginger kitten who finds himself without a home after being abandoned by his family. After dodging scary dogs and even less pleasant weather, Thunder happens upon a mysterious house owned by an ageing magician. After being offered shelter, soon Thunder becomes part of the magician’s wacky family which also features a grouchy rabbit and his sidekick mouse. But Thunder’s new found family home soon becomes under threat after the magician falls ill and his greedy nephew comes to take the house, leaving it up to the cute kitten to save the day.

More: Watch The House of Magic trailer here

It’s a rather simplistic story, but the cast of characters involved in The House of Magic will no doubt keep you entertained throughout. Kids will enjoy the fun and mayhem created by Thunder and the gang as the run wild through the magical, rickety wooden house. While some have argued the dialogue is a little lacklustre there are enough laughs and clever one liners here to keep even the most easily distracted child on board as well the more cynical adults.

The House of Magic is packed with stunning visual effects

But what really makes the House of Magic so special is the breathtaking visual effects created by the one and only Ben Stassen. Stassen has long been regarded as one of the most innovative minds working in 3D animation and his latest offering serves only to enhance his reputation. While he may not have Pixar’s money, he has both the imagination and the courage to really explore just how much can still be done with the medium.

Next, why The House of Magic will entertain the whole family

The House of Magic is the perfect weekend film to treat the kids with. It has the perfect mix of cute, engaging characters and glorious visual effects which will keep both young and old entertained and smiling throughout. It might not be the next Toy Story, but The House of Magic proves the talent and innovation really is there with Ben Stassen and it only manages to leaves us more excited about what his future could hold.

_The House of Magic i_s fun for all the family __