Kanye West Compares Struggles As A Celebrity To Racism

  • 07 August 2014

In March of this year, Kanye West pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanour battery charge on a paparazzo stemming from July 2013. At the time, the 37 year-old rapper did not attend the court hearing, but his attorney entered the special plea, stating that he still maintained his innocence.

Image caption West pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanour batery charge in March

West's punishment for allegedly beating up the photographer was two years of probation, 250 hours' worth of community service and an order to attend 24 anger management sessions.

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Recently, a transcript of the 'Bound 2' rapper's deposition from that case leaked online via TMZ, and the legal documents reveal West's true feelings about being hounded by the paparazzi, which he compares with racism African American's received in the 1960s. This can be first seen that this when the photographer's attorney used the N-word when quoting West's track, 'Flashing Lights.'

When Lawyer Nate Goldberg quoted, "'Til I get flashed by the paparazzi, damn, these niggas got me,' the 'Black Skinhead' rapper interrupted and said, "You have to ask for a hall pass. You can't just say the N-word around me. It offends me because you're a white person saying 'nigga.'"

West then highlighted that white children used to hold up signs with the offensive word written across it, while his parents were apparently attending sit-ins. Goldberg than asked if he was comparing his struggle as a celebrity to the way African-Americans were treated back then.

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"Yes, 100 [percent]," West replied. "I equate it to discrimination. I equate it to inequalities. We, as group of minorities, here in L.A. - as celebrities - have to band together to influence guys like this, guys trying to take the picture, guys trying to get the big win, guys trying to get the check."

Image caption West compared his struggle as a celebrity to racism in the 1960s

The Grammy-winning artist also told Goldberg, "I'm in the business of trying to make dope shit for the world. You're in the business of representing scums and trying to make as much money as long as there's this lapse in the law." He then claimed to be "the smartest fucking celebrity you've ever dealt with. I'm not Britney Spears."