With T Minus One Day Till Premiere, "Doctor Who" Takes Over Central London

  • 22 August 2014

With T minus one day to the season premiere of Doctor Who, the show is inescapable – particularly if you’re in Central London The TARDIS landed in the middle of Parliament Square, because apparently, with all of space and time at your disposal, 2014 London is the place to be.

Image caption New Doctor, same companion. At least for now.

Situated in front of Big Ben, the blue spacecraft looked as though it had risen from the ground thanks to surrounding rubble and dinosaur fossils. Peter Capaldi (aka the 12th Doctor, aka actually the 13th Doctor, but not really, because wibbly wobbly timey wimey) and Jenna Coleman were there for a photo op, along with a bunch of rubble and dinosaur fossils.

Passersby also enjoyed a good view of the three stars (including the TARDIS), but it was all kept spoiler-free, of course.

More: BBC Drowns Doctor Who Leak In A Flood Of New Capaldi Content

On another note, no, Jenna Coleman will not leave the show anytime soon. Capaldi himself denied the rumor that DW has been on the lookout for a new companion. Speaking on The One Show ahead of the new series kicking off tomorrow night, Peter said: "I’m not looking for a new assistant. I don’t know where these rumours have started.”

He then made a 180, just to keep Whovians on their toes, apparently.

"I’ve read she may be leaving at Christmas but I don’t even know if she’ll get to Christmas, you’ll have to watch it and see what happens."