Lady Gaga Would 'rather Be Fat Than Shallow'

  • 09 September 2014

Lady GaGa says she'd ''rather be fat than shallow.''

The 'Bad Romance' hitmaker - who previously admitted her weight fluctuates because of her love of Italian food - lashed out at critics of her figure after photographs of her in a flesh-coloured swimsuit attracted some negative comments on Instagram.

The 28-year-old star captioned one of the images, taken in Dubai: ''#bodyrevolution Proud at any size, because the inside is what really counts. Plus, it's all how you pose! Just ask the supermodels!''

After receiving support from a fan on Twitter, she replied: ''Id rather be fat than be shallow (sic)''

When another fan wrote: ''I honestly can't imagine receiving comments about my weight everyday. How insulting and degrading. Also gaga is perfect so back off,'' the blonde beauty responded: ''all day long every day, so what if I got a belly sometimes, sometimes I don't. There's people starving in the world. #whocares''

The 'Applause' hitmaker, who also recently insisted she is ''curvy and proud,'' previously admitted she used to battle with an eating disorder.

She said at the time: ''I have struggled with an eating disorder for over 10 years and I take that very seriously, I take the struggle of others very seriously.''

But earlier this year, she claimed she had overcome her troubles.

She said: ''I am better with food. I don't have an eating disorder anymore. I'm also better at not letting people take advantage of me. Five years ago, when I spotted someone with a hidden agenda, I allowed them to stay around me... I speak up now. I realised that it's my own fault that people take advantage. I should be around people who cherish my talents, my health, my time ... I'm an artist. I deserve better than to be loyal to people who only believe in me because I make money.''