Sir Paul McCartney Spits A Rap To Promote Meat Free Monday Campaign

  • 24 September 2014

British legend Sir Paul McCartney is known for being an extremely talented musician and singer, which he has frequently demonstrated throughout his 50-year career with The Beatles and as a solo artist, but his rap skills aren't quite as adequate yet.

Image caption The former Beatle rapped to promote his Meat Free Monday campaign 

The iconic singer-songwriter recently turned to rapping to promote his Meat Free Monday environmental-awareness campaign, which attempts to convince people to become vegetarians for one day a week to improve their health as well as help reduce the risk of climate change, in order to encourage people to pledge to the cause.

"Hi there, Paul speaking," he says in the video uploaded to YouTube, before things turn rather awkward. "Listen, all I need you to do is just log in on and pledge your support to the idea of Meat Free Mondays."

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McCartney continues: "I need your help, please do it. We'll send all these pledges to the politicians and then they'll do something about it. So I need your help. Please. Just login."

The clip ends with McCartney suddenly blasting out a short rap in a rather monotone accent, accompanied by many hand gestures, finger-clicks and hand claps, as he is repeating several times over, ", You can do it right now please."

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The cause, which is relatively unknown, is based on figures produced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, who have calculated that livestock production is responsible for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Other high-profile pledgers include Jamie Oliver, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kevin Spacey and Ricky Gervais.