We Nominate The Trailer For Disney's "Feast " For A Cute Thing Of The Week Award

  • 19 October 2014

Ok, I admit, the new trailer for Disney’s animated short Feast kind of melted my heart a little. A tiny, tiny bit. But they played the adorable puppy card, so really, you have to be kind of heartless to not go “aaaaw” at the following.

Check the whole thing out below, courtesy of Disney's official YouTube. I dare you not to smile. ****

Meet Winston, a lovable, energetic Boston terrier, whose life (much like this staff writer’s) revolves around food. The short takes us along on Winston and his owner’s journey, where the little dog with a big appetite tastes the many flavours of the world. The food is beautifully drawn and of course Winston will melt your heart, but beyond that, there's not much else we can gather from the 50-second clip. It'll certainly make your Sunday afternoon.

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Besides being adorable and just a little mouth-watering, Winston’s story is also beautifully animated. It’s been hand-drawn and computer animated, so it still has that old-school Disney feel. It’s the latest work of director Patrick Osbourne who was animation supervisor on the Oscar-winning short Paperman. Feast will premiere in front of the studio’s feature-length Big Hero 6 on November 7.