Kim Kardashian Still Buys Blackberry Phones Off EBay In Case "They Go Extinct"

  • 29 October 2014

Kim Kardashian may be a woman who keeps up with all the latest trends in fashion and pop culture, but when it comes to cell phones the reality TV star likes to keep things rather vintage, as she is still a proud owner of a Blackberry.

Image caption Kim still loves her Blackberry phone

During the Re/code mobile conference on Tuesday (28th) in Half Moon Bay, Calif., Kim admitted that she prefers the Blackberry model over the iPhone, and is single-handedly attempting to stop them from going into extinction.

"People are horrified that I have a BlackBerry," she explained. "And I don't understand that reaction. A BlackBerry is my heart and soul. I love it. I'll never get rid of it."

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However, the 34 year-old did confess that she also owns an iPhone that is primarily used for social media and uploading photos, especially selfies.

But when she is "angrily" writing messages or emails, the Blackberry is perfect for Kim to type much harder and faster.

One major problem is that the phones are a dying breed, and it is becoming extremely difficult for the 34 year-old star to locate and purchase her favourite technological tool.

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"I buy them on eBay. I have like three lined up in my that if one breaks and I'm down to two, I search on eBay for that third. I have anxiety I'll run out." she explained. "I'm afraid it will go extinct. I'm on a mission to make that not happen."