Kid Rock Blasted By Peta For Posing With Dead Cougar

  • 20 January 2015

Kid Rock has been criticised by bosses at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) for posing for a photograph with a dead cougar.

The picture, which shows the All Summer Long hitmaker holding up the animal's bloodied body, was uploaded to by controversial rocker Ted Nugent, who added in a caption, "Hail my MotorCity boy Kid Rock for saving all those muledeer elk and livestock by whacking this magnificent mountain lion. I can hear the braindead squawkers already with their obscene denial that killing lions is wrong. It's legal, it's necessary, it's good, it's beneficial, it's a damn riot!"

Rock has now come under fire from campaigners at Peta for apparently taking part a hunting expedition.

Peta's U.S. Senior International Media Director, Ben Williamson, says, "It's obvious that not everyone has evolved mentally and emotionally when you see someone grinning after gunning down another living being who was busy minding his or her own business and living life. These days, only the very smallest percentage of people find it acceptable in any way to support blood sports like trophy hunting."