Eddie Murphy - Picture - Eddie Murphy , Monday 25th June 2007

  • 25 June 2007

Eddie Murphy Test proves Murphy is the father of Brown's baby. Eddie Murphy is the father of his ex-lover Melanie Brown's 11-week-old daughter, according to the former Spice Girl's spokeswoman. Brown received paternity test results on Thursday (21Jun07) which reveal the Dreamgirls actor is the father of baby Angel Iris, the singer's representative tells website People.com. Murphy, who has continually denied the child is his, recently vowed to stand by Brown if a DNA test proved he was the dad. He had been ordered by a court to provide a DNA sample, which he did at a Beverly Hills, California clinic on 11 June (07). Brown and Angel Iris attended the same surgery, where the child underwent a blood test. Brown was "devastated" when Murphy publicly ended their romance on a Dutch TV show last year (06), saying, "I don't know whose child that is until it comes out and has a test." (GES/WNWCPL)


Image caption Eddie Murphy

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