'Fifty Shades Of Grey' Was A Challenge For Dakota Johnson

  • 13 February 2015

At just 25, Dakota Johnson found tackling the lead role in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' to be a seriously big opportunity. It's not like she doesn't understand show business: she's Hollywood royalty after all, daughter of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson, stepdaughter of Antonio Banderas, granddaughter of Tippi Hedren.

Image caption Dakota Johnson found preparation for her role in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' difficult

She grew up in Colorado and worked as a model before getting her break on the big screen. She had a memorable role in 'The Social Network' (2010) as Justin Timberlake's one-night stand and went on to roles in '21 Jump Street', 'The Five-Year Engagement' and 'Need for Speed' before moving on to play Anastasia Steele in 'Fifty Shades of Grey', based on the mega-selling novel by E.L. James.

With all the nudity involved, she knew she'd need a personal trainer. "It was important to me that Ana's body look like that of an active college student," she said. "And I was going be naked, so I wanted to look good. I did a lot of working out and had more waxing than any woman should have!"

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At the same time, she believes actresses should be more confident about their bodies. "I think nudity and sexual scenes in movies are beautiful when they're tastefully done," she said, quickly adding, "but I don't want my family to see this."

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Actually, it wasn't easy for her to watch it herself. "I still can't look at it objectively or wrap my head around it," Johnson said. "The parts of the movie that are difficult to watch were even more difficult - and emotionally taxing - to shoot."

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And even with her fame about to explode into the stratosphere, she remains determined to have her own life. "A very large part of me would be perfectly happy living on a ranch in Colorado and having babies and chickens and horses," she said, "which I will do anyway.