Liam Gallagher Not Expected To Be At Trial

  • 18 February 2015

Lawyers in Liam Gallagher's child support case ''assume'' he won't turn up to trial.

The former Oasis rocker hasn't been in New York for earlier hearings or to give a deposition earlier this month and could face paying Liza Ghorbani - the mother of his 23-month-old daughter Gemma - millions of dollars if he doesn't turn up to court on March 20.

Liza's lawyer, Ira Garr, told the New York Post newspaper's Page Six column: ''Based on his failure to attend any court hearings and his failure to comply with the discovery process, we assume he won't show up for the trial. We will ask for whatever [settlement] we ask for and we'll get a default judgement. It is always the same excuse, 'He's too sick to travel.'''

Last month, Liam - who has been making court-ordered child support payments of $5,000 a month - missed a hearing and submitted a last-minute doctor's note saying he was ''anxious and depressed'' but Justice Laura Drager said his excuse was ''insufficient'' and fined him $5,000.

It is believed the 42-year-old rocker - who has another daughter, Molly, 16, and sons Lennon, 15, and Gene, 13, from previous relationships - is waiting until his divorce agreement from his youngest son's mother Nicole Appleton is finalised before resolving his situation with Liza.