Sir Roger Moore Can't Drink Dry Martinis

  • 17 March 2015

Sir Roger Moore doesn't drink dry martinis.

The 87-year-old actor, who starred as James Bond between 1973 and 1985, has revealed he isn't able to drink his on-screen character's favourite tipple due to his diabetes.

However, the acclaimed actor learnt how to make the perfect one thanks to the film franchise and says he's prepared to consume it if he's ever given just 24 hours to live.

He remarked: ''The sad fact is that I know exactly how to make a dry martini but I can't drink them because, two years ago, I discovered I was diabetic.

''I prefer one with gin, but James Bond liked a vodka martini, 'shaken not stirred' - which I never said, by the way, that was Sean Connery. Remember him?''

''My dry martinis taste amazing and the day they tell me I've got 24 hours to live I am going to have six.''

The London-born star also recalled the worst martini he'd ever been served, during the days when he was safely able to drink them.

He told the Guardian newspaper: ''The worst Martini I've ever had was in a club in New Zealand, where the barman poured juice from a bottle of olives into the vodka. That's a dirty martini and it is a dirty, filthy, rotten martini and should not be drunk by anybody except condemned prisoners.''