Bill Goldberg

  • 18 February 2005



The Darker Side Of Christmas: 10 Horrible Horrors For The Holidays

By Holly Williams in Movies / TV / Theatre on 07 December 2015

Adam Scott Katie Cassidy Bill Goldberg Tim Burton

Have a very horrid Christmas with these festive frights.

Christmas is, to most people, a time of joy, happiness and goodwill to all. But to some, it's an over-commercialised excuse to get drunk and spend a sickening amount of money, and the so-called Christmas spirit is simply non-existent. If you happened to be the latter, wishy-washy holiday movies like 'Miracle on 34th Street' and 'It's a Wonderful Life' probably aren't your thing - but that doesn't mean you have to shun the festivities altogether.

For all you cynics out there, here's a list of movies that will convince you to block up your chimney - because the Santas here are not ones you want to visit you on Christmas Eve.

Image caption Santa's awake, and he's not in the mood for Christmas cheer

Continue reading: The Darker Side Of Christmas: 10 Horrible Horrors For The Holidays

Bill Goldberg Tuesday 20th October 2009 picks up a fan outside his hotel New York City, USA

Bill Goldberg Friday 6th June 2008 The 2008 HERO Awards held at Universal City Hilton & Towers Los Angeles, California

Bill Goldberg - Bill Goldberg and guest Saturday 9th June 2007 at Spike TV's "Guy Choice" Awards Los Angeles, California

Ready To Rumble Review

By Rob Blackwelder


David Arquette's escaped-lunitic-on-a-double-espresso style of nitwit comedy is an aquired taste. Or at least I assume it is since I don't find him funny but movie directors continue to cast him and AT&T saw fit to make them their collect-calling spokesman.

He's a one-note Jim Carrey wannabe with a Jerry Lewis IQ and two facial expressions: Half-asleep stoner and vein-popping screaming mimi. He's also a front-runner for Least Convincing Actor Alive, as he frequently seems to be looking desperately toward the camera for approval of over-the-top his antics.

David Arquette is also the star of "Ready To Rumble," a slow-pitch comedy about professional wrestling fans, seemingly made for some niche market of moviegoers that find Pauly Shore pictures too intellectually taxing.

Continue reading: Ready To Rumble Review