Ali Larter Beyond Grateful To Be Part Of The Resident Evil Franchise

  • 22 August 2015

Larter, who has played Claire Redfield in three of the six movies, admires the couple for sticking with their labour of love after critics savaged the first Resident Evil film back in 2002.

She says, "How many movies have this kind of fan base and get to be made six times? I think that's extraordinary. It's a total testament to Milla and Paul.

"I'm so grateful to them, that they chose me to be a part of it halfway through, and they've kept me along for the ride... This is definitely a female power movie."

Larter cannot wait for fans to see Resident Evil: The Final Chapter in January (16): "I am held to secrecy, but what I can tell you is that the script is amazing. They're really wrapping up the whole series, so that just makes it a little more poignant... I think the fans are just going to be beyond excited."