Mark Ronson Dismisses Latest Uptown Funk Complaint

  • 25 August 2015

Snezana Miskovic, whose stage name is Viktorija, told British newspaper the Daily Star earlier this month (Aug15) that Ronson's smash hit, featuring Bruno Mars, sounds very similar to her song Ulice Mracne Nisu Za Devojke, or Dark Streets Are Not For Girls.

Ronson has now dismissed her claim, insisting she is just chasing a cut of his success, telling Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper, "I don't know what the deal is with that. When you have a hit people always come out of the woodwork to try to claim it. Whatever. I've never had a big hit before so I guess that's what happens."

Earlier this year (15), five new songwriters were added to the single's credits to avoid a potential legal battle over similarities between Uptown Funk and 1979 The Gap Band hit Oops Upside Your Head.