Vitriolic Backlash Prompts Lena Dunham To Step Back From Twitter

  • 29 September 2015

The Girls creator and star's funny and outspoken musings have gained her millions of followers online, and she has not been shy about sharing controversial opinions and half-naked photos of herself with her fans.

She recently posed in her rocker boyfriend Jack Antonoff's Calvin Klein boxers and posted the funny snap on Twitter, but the nasty comments she received from body-shaming haters has since prompted her to take a step back from the site.

"I don't look at Twitter anymore," she reveals during a new Re/code podcast. "I tweet, but I do it through someone else. I don't even know my Twitter password, which may make me seem like I'm no longer a genuine community user.

"I really appreciate that anybody follows me at all, so I didn't want to cut off my relationship to it completely, but it truly wasn't a safe space for me."

Lena admits that being exposed to so much negativity via social media impacted her deeply, so she chose to stop tweeting first-hand.

"I think even if you think you can separate yourself from the kind of verbal violence that's being directed at you, that it creates some really kind of cancerous stuff inside you, even if you think, 'Oh I can read like 10 mentions that say I should be stoned to death,'" she continues. "That's verbal abuse. Those aren't words you'd accept in an interpersonal relationship. For me, personally, it was safer to stop."

The actress, who still maintains control of her own Instagram account, is also concerned about how her impressionable fans are affected by the online vitriol she has to deal with on a daily basis.

She explains, "I had two feelings: a) I don't want to share my space like this, but b) The teenage girls who come to my page because they want to see what I'm reading or see a picture of my weird underwear-eating dog or see what Jenny in my office looks like - I don't want them seeing a picture of me in my boyfriend's boxers and then be told I'm obese and anyone who looks like me is repulsive and I deserve to be dragged around and smacked."