Mitch Winehouse Teaming Up With Rehab Director For Film

  • 16 October 2015

Mitch Winehouse is teaming up with Amy Winehouse's video director for a new film.

The musician - whose musician daughter died at the age of just 27 in 2011 - is planning to work with Phil Griffin, who directed the videos to her singles 'Rehab', 'You Know I'm No Good' and 'Back To Black' for a new project following the release of Asif Kapadia's film 'Amy' earlier this year.

Speaking at a gala dinner for the Amy Winehouse Foundation, Mitch told BANG Showbiz: ''We're talking with Phil Griffin, who was Amy's good friend who directed the 'Rehab' video and the 'Back To Black' video, to collaborate with Phil, and we've got a number of ideas that we're going to be talking about and we're very excited. You can't ignore what happened to Amy, that would be stupid, but there was so much more that happened to Amy than that.''

Mitch condemned the release of 'Amy' about the Grammy Award winning singer on its release earlier this year suggesting it sensationalised her life and portrayed her family in a deceptive light, but insisted his own project won't be a ''revenge attack''.

He continued: ''We've got a couple of projects in the pipeline that we've been working on but it wouldn't be a revenge attack on Asif's film, we wouldn't do that. It's going to be concentrating on Amy's positivity and creativity which now has been largely ignored. So that's what we want to do.''

However, Mitch confessed he expects 'Amy' to win awards, despite the fact he sees it as untruthful.

He added: ''It'll win an Oscar, and it'll probably win a BAFTA, and it'll probably win everything and good luck to them. If they're happy to accept it on that basis, it's up to them.''