Manglehorn - Trailer

  • 27 October 2015

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To most that see him, Manglehorn isn't exactly an enigma, he's a quiet man who goes about his business. What the outside world doesn't know is Manglehorn writes daily to the love of his life, Clara - the girl who got away. Though he never hears back from Clara, his letters offer him some catharsis. The only other relief the aging locksmith finds is in his frequent visits to the local café and his weekly trips to the back, where bank teller, Dawn, finds herself becoming intrigued by Manglehorn.

Can Manglehorn be drawn out of his current lul and deal with his past to face the future?

Manglehorn was directed by David Gordon Green (Pineapple Express, Joe and Prince Avalanche). The film had unusual origins, the director and lead star were actually planning on shooting a commercial together but that never came to pass, however the meeting lead on to David beginning work on a film drawing inspiration from many aspects of Pacino's professional and personal life.

Manglehorn will be available to buy on DVD and Blu-Ray from November 2015.