Jon Stewart Returns To The Daily Show To Speak For 9/11 First Responders

  • 08 December 2015

Jon Stewart returned to 'The Daily Show' on Monday night for the first time since his departure back in August. This time Stewart was appearing as a guest and had an important message for Congress on behalf of 9/11 first responders.

Image caption Jon Stewart has returned to ‘The Daily Show’.

As Stewart sat down new host Trevor Noah asked: "Shit, are you here to take the show back? I heard about this on American TV.” But Stewart assured him he has no interested in returning to his own job, instead he was there for a very important reason.

“I have this issue I care about very deeply,” Stewart said. “And I was wondering – I want to get attention paid to it but I was realising I don’t have a show, and nobody gives a sh– anymore. So I thought, you have a show, and maybe I could come and…”

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“My show is your show, my friend,” Noah replied. Stewart went on to explain that the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act expired in September and that an extension is now needed so that the first responders to the terrorist attacks can still receive medical care.

"It's soon going to be out of money," Stewart said. "These first responders, many sick with cancers and pulmonary disease, have had to travel at their own expense to Washington, D.C., hundreds of times, to plead for our government to do the right thing.”

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"The only conclusion that I can draw is that the people of Congress are not as good a people as the people who are first responders,” Stewart later added. Stewart then shared a video of his trip to Washington, D.C with some first responders to ‘shame’ congresspeople who voted against renewing the act.

In the video some politicians were shown hiding from Stewart and the first responders "like meerkats and prairie dogs," while the former host warned he would sit in their offices and wait all day. "I don't know if you know this: I don't really have a life anymore,” he told one aide.