Matt Stone

  • 25 February 2005

Date of birth

26th May, 1971







After 18 Years, 'South Park' Creators Have No Intentions Of Quitting

By Ed Biggs in Movies / TV / Theatre on 01 July 2015

South Park Trey Parker Matt Stone

It's one of the longest-running shows on TV ever, but 'South Park's creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker aren't planning to stop anytime soon.

After nearly two decades of toilet humour and up-to-the-minute satire, ‘South Park’s creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker have insisted that the animated favourite will not be going away any time soon.

Speaking to IGN’s Podcast Unlocked recently, regarding news of their forthcoming video game sequel, Parker and Stone said that they would only stop making ‘South Park’ if Comedy Central, its home of 18 years and over 250 episodes, cancelled it.

Image caption Matt Stone (l) and Trey Parker (r) have no intention of stopping 'South Park'

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'South Park: The Stick Of Truth' Is Out Today! What Do The Reviews Say?

By Jack de Aguilar in Movies / TV / Theatre on 07 March 2014

South Park Matt Stone Trey Parker

South Park fan? Buy the game. RPG fan? buy the game. South park fan and RPG fan... you get where this is going

The day all South Park fans have been waiting for has finally arrived; The Stick of Truth, which promised to be a 14-hour expletive-filled, powers that be-mocking, ethnic minority-offending, satirical mind-bender of a bumper, playable South Park episode is released today, March 7. But has the game matched those promises?

Image caption Critics Love South Park 'The Stick of Truth'

Yes, would be the short answer. The critics have fallen in love with 'South Park: The Stick of Truth', praising its compelling RPG elements, which are laced with enough sarcasm and satire to truly make them a South Park experience, and the painstakingly realised world, which transmits the iconic aesthetic made famous by Matt Stone and Trey Parker over the last 17 years.

Continue reading: 'South Park: The Stick Of Truth' Is Out Today! What Do The Reviews Say?

Finally, The South Park Gang Miss A Deadline And Deliver Late Episode

By Jack de Aguilar in Movies / TV / Theatre on 17 October 2013

Matt Stone Trey Parker South Park

They've done pretty well to make this the FIRST one delayed

Having delivered their show on a knife-edge for 13 years now, Trey Parker and Matt Stone have delivered their first late episode. South Park is usually left to the last minute to ensure the show is fresh and contemporary, but a power cut saw Comedy Central receive the iconic, satirical comedy late.

“From animation to rendering to editing and sound, all of their computers were down for hours and they were unable to finish episode 1704 ‘Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers’ in time for air tonight,” the network said in a statement. “It sucks to miss an air date but after all these years of tempting fate by delivering the show last minute, I guess it was bound to happen,” said Parker.

A standard show is kicked off on Thursday, when the team get together and flesh out a narrative. What follows is a manic 5 days of getting the episode animated, rendered, voiced and finished for air on the following Wednesday. That’s a 6-day turnaround in total, and they do that for 7 weeks in a row.

Continue reading: Finally, The South Park Gang Miss A Deadline And Deliver Late Episode

South Park Studios Struck By Power Cut; Creators Miss Wednesday Deadline

By Joe Wilde in Movies / TV / Theatre on 17 October 2013

South Park Trey Parker Matt Stone

With their hectic, one episode per-week schedule, a missed deadline always seemed inevitable, and last night it finally happened

South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have developed a weekly routine in which they and their team of writers, animators and the rest of the South Park Studios come up with the idea for an episode and get it on air all in seven days. With such a tight schedule to work from, and the fact that procrastination is much more fun that a serious work ethic, a missed deadline always seemed likely to happen. On Wednesday, 16 October night, this is exactly what happened.

We can't just blame the team behind the episode that should have been aired last night, as the studios where the controversial comedy is made was hit with a power cut right on the last day of production (15 Oct.), rendering the episode in limbo until the problem was fixed. The power didn't come on in time for the episode to be finished before it's slot on Comedy Central though, and the episode 'Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers' will be aired next week instead.

South Park Studios released a statement shortly before the episode was due to air, explaining, "On Tuesday night, South Park Studios lost power. From animation to rendering to editing and sound, all of their computers were down for hours and they were unable to finish episode 1704, ‘Goth Kids 3: Dawn Of The Posers' in time for air tonight."

Continue reading: South Park Studios Struck By Power Cut; Creators Miss Wednesday Deadline

Matt Stone - The Worlds End Premiere - Los Angeles, CA, United States - Thursday 22nd August 2013

'The Book Of Mormon' Is The Biggest West End Show Ever (Over 24 Hours)

By Michael West in Music / Festivals on 25 March 2013

Trey Parker Matt Stone

The Book of Mormon has become the fastest selling West End ticket over a 24 hour period.

The Book of Mormon, Trey Parker and Matt Stone's controversial musical comedy, took £2,107,972 in ticket sales between 10am and midnight on Friday (March 22, 2013), breaking the record for the biggest day of West End ticket sales in history. The scurry for tickets came after an additional 150,000 were made available to cope with demand.

The show, which opened at London's Prince of Wales Theatre last Thursday, is now booking in London until January 2014 after an award-winning run on Broadway and a US national tour. The show has been criticized in some quarters for satirizing the Mormon religion - seen as an easy target by some - though it seems London audiences can't get enough of the tale, which follows two young Mormon missionaries sent to Uganda.

"After a phenomenal opening night I am delighted to see a phenomenal record-breaking post-opening box office of over £2 million. The Mormons have truly delivered a heavenly hit," said Mark Rubinstein, president of the Society of London Theatre in a statement, "It is fantastic to have such a brilliant show reaching out to new audiences for the West End and ensuring that they have a great night of musical entertainment."

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Is London Ready For 'The Book Of Mormon'? Maybe Not, Say Critics

By Jack de Aguilar in Lifestyle / Showbiz on 22 March 2013

Trey Parker Matt Stone

How have the British public taken to The Book of Mormon?

Box office records on Broadway were broken, nine Tony awards and a Grammy were secured firmly ‘in the bag’, and now one of the most successful musicals of the past few years, The Book of Mormon, has come to London's West End. But, do the Brits think it’s any good?

Well the reception has been mightily mixed, with some maintaining it’s brilliance, and others denouncing it as “decadent and self-indulgent,” although we’re not entirely sure South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone would see that as an entirely negative review. Those words were from The Telegraph, who say, in their review that “mocking the Mormons and their bizarre belief system is the softest of targets. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is unlikely to dispatch suicide bombers into the theatre, and indeed their response to the piece has been remarkably tolerant and good humoured.”

Image caption Stone & Parker - partners in crime

Continue reading: Is London Ready For 'The Book Of Mormon'? Maybe Not, Say Critics

Book Of Mormon Tickets TOO Popular, Crashing Website

By Michael West on 14 March 2013

Trey Parker Matt Stone

The Book of Mormon tickets are selling like festival tickets: horribly fast, and with major complications. This is what usually happens when a major even is announced and the tickets go on sale. Demand outweighs supply, and it's almost always unexpected.

"It is probable that it will sell out by the end of the day or early tomorrow," said spokesperson John Dow, working on the information that there were thousands of tickers left this morning for the show's debut in Washington, (March 14). "We did everything that was possible to do in a two-week time frame" in order to improve the ticket-buying experience, Dow added. "Our IT folks tripled the number of servers in one part of the system, they worked on the waiting rooms to add more capacity." But with demand "in the high tens of thousands" this morning, the site failed under the pressure and has not fully recovered. The "waiting room" screen still pops up before the homepage can even load. Dow did add that anyone who misses out, shouldn't give up hope. "People sometimes turn in their tickets, so people should check closer to the performance date for last minute availability. That's something for July and not for now."

Book of Mormon is a satirical musical based on religion, made by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who teamed up Avenue Q co-writer and co-composer, Robert Lopez. The show opened on Broadway in March 2011, and became the highest-charting Broadway cast album in over four decades, reaching No. 3 on the Billboard charts, as is evidenced by its enduring popularity.

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South Park's Trey Parker And Matt Stone To Open Their Own Important Studios

By Contributor in Movies / TV / Theatre on 15 January 2013

Trey Parker Matt Stone

We like to think them as perennial teenagers that’ll never grow up, but South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone really have been over the past couple of years – and they’re set to establish themselves further by setting up their own production company.

A statement from the pair, reported by Entertainment Weekly, said “Having worked with several different studios over the years, we came to realize that our favorite people in the world are ourselves. We hope to work with ourselves for a long time and are excited to now work with ourselves in a much greater capacity.” The studios will be named Important Studios, with the pair rumored to be getting going on a film release of their successful TV show Book Of Mormon. That program has surprised many, essentially working as a South Park that’s suitable for everyone – the pair writing it alongside the still ongoing South Park itself, which has become one of the defining animation comedies of the past 20 years.

The studios will bring all of the pair’s projects together, including films Team America and BASEketaball. Formed in partnership with the Raine Group, the company is believed to be worth some $300 million, largely thanks to the assets of their long running foul-mouthed comedy.

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South Park Lawsuit Over Lollipop Character

By Contributor in Movies / TV / Theatre on 16 October 2012

South Park Matt Stone Trey Parker

The South Park lawsuit isn't likely to lose the show's creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker any sleep, but it's worth looking at. They might find themselves in a bit of bother this time, as the latest case does seem to have legs. We all chuckled at The Lollipop King who appeared in the three episodes of "Imaginationland" in South Park back in 2007. However, one animator wasn't laughing, no sir, he wasn't laughing at all. His name was Exavier Wardlaw and he had apparently created the character long before Stone and Parker nabbed it.

The story goes, according to TMZ, that Wardlaw created the wholesome family show 'The Lollipop Forest' and in it was a character called the Big Bad Lollipop. He doesn't sound like too much of a wholesome fella to us. Anyway, he was made a whole let wholesome by the South Parks creators - allegedly of course- after their own candy-based character found himself choked out by a Storm Trooper, witnessed the carnage of a suicide bomber and saw Kyle perform an oral-based sexual act on Cartman.

Given that Wardlaw is claiming that this is the same character is his, the lawsuit he's sent the South Park team is stating that they have exposed the poor lolly to things he should never have seen. He is suing for copyright infringement and demanding that Parker and Stone remove all traces of the Lollipop King from their shows. Better start licking, guys

South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut Review

By Rob Blackwelder


"South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut" justcan't wait to wiggle out of the restraints put on its television counterpart.In the first 10 minutes of the movie, the cartoon's creators go out oftheir way to assure an R-rating as quickly as possible with a mock-Broadwaymusical number of flatulence and profanity that culminates in a chorusthat goes "Shut your f***ing face, uncle f***er..." to a tuneso peppy you almost can't help but sing along.

(I didn't count, but I'm guessing the F-word is used morethan 400 times in the course of the movie.)

As shamefully funny as "There's Something About Mary" and at least twiceas crude, this latest big screen TV transplant is tasteless, raw and offensiveto be sure. But by the time that opening showtune was over, I was laughingso hard I could hardly breathe. And it only gets funnier.

Continue reading: South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut Review