7 Reasons Taylor Swift Is The Perfect Role Model

  • 22 February 2016

With everything from the Grammys to Kesha's court case hitting headlines, we've really been reminded of how much we love Taylor Swift. She's had her critics, who shame her for singing about her break-ups and for perhaps not being an intellectual, but none of that takes away from the fact that she's one of the coolest (and nicest!) popstars out there.

Image caption Taylor Swift is a pop inspiration

Here's seven reasons why everyone should be a Swiftie:

1. She stands up for herself - While she's a very forgiving person, willing to start afresh with Kanye West even after he publicly humiliated her on stage at her first MTV VMA ceremony, she's also not the sort of girl to take crap from anybody. Not only that, but the dignity in which she shuns negativity is startlingly mature. When West released his new track 'Famous' featuring offensive lyrics about her, she didn't launch into a Twitter tirade about it like West did. She used the experience to give her peers some useful advice at the Grammys.

More: Taylor Swift's inspirational Grammys speech

2. She loves her friends - She was the originator of the whole Squad thing, because she's famed for having so many famous friends. The truth is, the reason why is because she's so warm and open to all the people she meets. Take her BFF Ed Sheeran for example; she cherishes her British friend so much that it brought us close to tears on his 25th birthday. 'I don't think he ever knew how inspired I was by his drive and passion to constantly create new art', she said in a lengthy message on Instagram.

3. She's super generous - Just recently, Taylor Swift has weighed in on the controversy surrounding Kesha's court battle with Dr. Luke, as she tries to break free from her musical contract following her claims that he sexually and emotionally abused her. However, unlike many other celebrities who have shown their support through words, Swift is the first to actually do something to help as she has donated a massive $250,000 to the Kesha team to help with her legal fees.

4. She still holds her childhood friends close - Fame changes people, that goes without saying. It leads people away from their ordinary home life and blurs their recollection of the mundane past. Taylor Swift is different. Just as she cherishes her newfound celebrity friends, she also stays in contact with her childhood buddies and recently wholeheartedly agreed to be Maid of Honour at her best friend Britany Maack's wedding, just days after landing Album of the Year at the 2016 Grammys. Talk about down-to-earth!

More: Swift becomes Maid of Honour at BBF's wedding

5. She doesn't take herself too seriously - We're scrolling through her Instagram feed from the last few months and we're seeing videos of her cat, Swift dressed as an elf for Christmas as well as Olaf, throwback childhood photos and all manner of crazy antics. She loves making sure people know she's just an ordinary person and isn't one to hide her everyday life from the public.

6. She loves her fans - Most celebrities love their fans, but most celebrities love them at a safe distance. Taylor Swift, however, wants every single one of her followers to be her best friend, and proved it by inviting a bunch of them over for an album-listening party ahead of the release of '1989'. She was a super hands-on party host, baking cookies, snapping polaroids and bringing her cat Meredith Grey into party proceedings which lasted a generous 5 hours. She even let her fans hold her Grammys and provided them with keepsake keychains. She also knew some of their names, which only served to prove just how interactive she is with the people that made her famous.

7. She never compromises her image for fame - Sure she's graduated to sexier poses in promo shoots and skimpier outfits on stage, but she certainly has never felt the need to go to Miley Cyrus standards of sexualisation to make her music sell. She's ladylike and adorable, with an air of innocence about her which makes her the perfect role model for all her young fans.