Bedouin Soundclash

  • 27 September 2005

Bedouin Soundclash, Light The Horizon Album Review

By Nick Gale in Music Reviews on 24 May 2011

Bedouin Soundclash make confident, clean-cut, commercially viable pop which tastefully blends together elements drawn from reggae, rock and soul music. They're accessible but never stupid; they're talented musicians, but they never show off; they owe a debt to musically adventurous bands, but carefully dilute their influences so that they're easier to swallow. If they were a beer they'd be a smooth, slightly upmarket lager. If they were a book, they'd be an unread Ian McEwan novel, lying in the middle of a coffee table in a sparsely decorated riverside apartment. If they were an item of furniture, they'd be that coffee table. If they haven't already soundtracked a car advert, they will do so soon.

Continue reading: Bedouin Soundclash, Light The Horizon Album Review

Bedouin Soundclash, Interview

Bedouin Soundclash - Interview

Continue reading: Bedouin Soundclash, Interview