The Beatles: Eight Days A Week - The Touring Years - Trailer

  • 14 September 2016

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In 1962 The Beatles were signed to a management deal with a local record shop owner called Brian Epstein after he heard the band playing at their local venue, The Cavern Club, this was the first step in a series of events that soon saw the four lads from Merseyside become the biggest phenomenon the world had ever seen.

Once George Martin signed the band to Parlophone Records, it didn't take long for them to make their first visit to Abbey Road Studios and once they found themselves a permanent drummer in the form of Ringo Starr, the band had a number of possible singles recorded with the likes of 'Love Me Do' and 'Please Please Me', as good as the songs were, their reputation was still unknown and their first single peaked on the singles chart at #17. Their first number one came about after re-recording 'Please Please Me' at a faster tempo and the band began to make TV appearances. The clean shaven boys had style and an edgy quality that attracted young girls and their music was good enough that boys liked them too.

Thousands of fans followed them wherever they went and it lead to the band touring and promoting themselves and their music continually.

Director Ron Howard now invites audiences to see unseen footage from The Beatles early years documenting some of the most important parts of their career. The film will also feature interviews with Paul McCartney.