
  • 28 February 2005

5 Bands To Check Out If You Love Slipknot

By in Music / Festivals on 10 April 2021

Slipknot Polar

Check out five Slipknot inspired hidden gems of the modern heavy metal landscape just waiting to be discovered.

Through several generations metal has constantly managed to persevere thanks to the innovation and creativity of rising bands. Whether they be slow burner talents that gradually earn their stripes, or overnight sensations that shake the foundations of the genre, metal has survived because of new talent. However, few bands came in hotter and with more impact than Slipknot, when their debut album blew the world away in 1999.

Image caption Slipknot - Photo Credit, Suzan Moore (EMPICS)

Given their presence, fame, image and dominance both within and beyond the metal scene, it should be no surprise to learn that Slipknot have inspired dozens of bands. Slipknot’s turbo charged thrash metal style was like nothing the world had seen before when they emerged, but many names have tried to replicate this aggression and conviction since. Obviously, not all have succeeded, as going toe-to-toe with one of the most commercially successful metal bands ever is no easy feat. But, some names are hidden gems in the modern heavy metal landscape, just waiting to be discovered by the world.

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