Hillary Clinton Got A Much Better Theatre Reception Than Mike Pence Did

  • 09 January 2017

The defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had a better time of it than the victorious vice-president Mike Pence when she went to the theatre, drawing a standing ovation from the audience when she was spotted at a performance of ‘The Color Purple’.

The 69 year old politician, who lost out to the divisive Donald Trump at the American presidential election two months ago, was seen at the final performance of ‘The Color Purple’ on Sunday night (January 8th) on Broadway in New York City.

She and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, and their daughter Chelsea received a number of acknowledgments throughout the show, with adoring fans besieging them for selfies and photographs during the interval, according to the New York Times.

Image caption Hillary Clinton in New York in 2016

“There’s a lot of really awesome famous and notable people here today. I’m not going to call all of them out — I know you already know them,” the play’s star Patrice Covington said at the end when he addressed the audience.

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Indeed, Hillary actually won the popular vote in the election, with 65 million votes cast in her favour. However, the rules of America’s electoral college system meant that Trump prevailed to be named the president-elect, his inauguration set for January 20th.

It was a far cry from the distinctly hostile reception that greeted Pence, Trump’s running mate, when he attended a performance of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s ‘Hamilton’ just few hundred yards away back on November 18th – the immediate aftermath of Trump’s unexpected win.

“We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” its star Brandon Dixon said pointedly to the balcony. “We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.”

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