Piers Morgan Refuses To Apologise Over Making Mother Cry On 'Good Morning Britain'

  • 10 January 2017

Outspoken British presenter Piers Morgan has remained defiant after making a guest cry live in the studio during today’s edition of ‘Good Morning Britain’.

28 year old mother Sarah Louise Bryan made national news earlier this week when it was revealed she billed another parent for £325 after her three year old daughter Isabella came home from a playdate with ink staining her designer boots. However, it was then revealed that Bryan, a fashion designer by profession, had bought roughly 60 pairs of shoes for her daughter.

Debating all this on Tuesday’s episode of ‘Good Morning Britain’ on ITV, she and presenter Morgan exchanged words in a situation that quickly got out of hand.

Image caption Piers Morgan reduced a mother to tears on 'Good Morning Britain'

“You’re not a responsible parent are you?” Morgan said for a start, going in strongly. “I do know what kind of parent you are, you’re the worst…

“You have no idea about me, my past, my life,” Bryan hit back, but Morgan’s attack continued.

“There will not be a mother or father watching this interview who is not looking at you thinking ‘what on earth are you doing buying a three year old girl 60 pairs of shoes?’ Some of them worth £325. They will also be thinking – I can guarantee it, to a man and woman – sending a bill to a friend who has just had them round for a play date for a few hours. Do you understand how preposterous this makes you look?”

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“When I was younger I was abused. This is over a pair of shoes,” the mother responded. “What does this have to do with a bill you sent to a friend?”

“This is to do with the cyber-bullying and people having a go constantly. It’s not fair and it’s not right,” Bryan said in her defence.

Morgan’s co-presenter Susanna Reid attempted to calm the situation down, saying: “Sarah, no one wants you to be upset”, before the producers cut to a break.

When they returned, Morgan said to camera: “We’ve had a bit of toast, bit of Marmite, all things have calmed down. Susanna thought I went a bit too hard on that mum… I have to say I’ve given it a lot of reflection in the break and I’ve decided I was right.”

The whole incident was discussed over social media, and later on in the day Sarah Bryan spoke to The Sun to give her reaction, revealing that she was still seething with anger backstage and branding Morgan a “bully”.

“Piers is a vicious bully who is trying to be controversial – but as far as I am concerned he has no balls,” she said. “My daughter can do anything she wants and be anything she wants – as long as she’s happy, then I’m happy. I was so angry that I had a panic attack in the dressing room.”

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