Hugh Jackman Got Personal For Logan

  • 03 March 2017

A year or so ago, Hugh Jackman announced that he would hang up his adamantium claws after playing Wolverine one last time. And now here's Logan, the genre-busting conclusion to Jackman's portrayal of the character over 17 years in nine movies. Dark and intense, the film takes a far more grown-up approach to the complex mutant.

Image caption Hugh Jackman stars in 'Logan'

Jackman is happy with his decision to retire from the role, although he admits that there was one thing that might have made him stick around for a few more movies: an Avengers crossover. "If that was on the table when I made my decision, it certainly would have made me pause. That's for sure," he says. "Because I always love the idea of him within that dynamic, with the Hulk obviously, with Iron Man."

To make Logan, Jackman reteamed with The Wolverine (2013) director James Mangold. "I said this was my last one, and they said make the movie you want to make," Jackman says. "And so Jim and I had this blank canvas and we wanted to make something definitely tonally different. I kept thinking The Wrestler or Unforgiven. Early on we had the idea for the title not having anything to do with Wolverine in it, but just being about the man and what the collateral damage of being Wolverine your entire life would be."

Watch the trailer for 'Logan' here:

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He also loved dramatically shifting the approach. "Not only is it different in terms of timeline and tone, it's a slightly different universe," Jackman explains. "It's a stand alone movie in many ways. It's not really beholden to timelines and storylines in the other movies. Obviously Patrick Stewart was in there so we have some crossover, but it feels very different and very fresh."

Jackman says that this is the most personal Wolverine movie, something critics have been commenting on when praising his layered performance. "I don't think I could have made this movie three or four years ago," he says. "I think it's part of my evolution, growing up, understanding the character, feeling confidence in who I am and where I am in this business."

More: Read our review of 'Logan'

Intriguingly, his costar Patrick Stewart has also commented on the emotional impact of Logan, and he has also decided that he won't return again as Professor Charles Xavier, a character he has played in seven movies.

So would Jackman be open to returning to any of the other characters he has played? "Kate and Leopold," he laughs. "That's the one my wife wants me to do. Yeah, totally."