Tsianina Joelson

  • 31 October 2005



Bring It On Review

By Christopher Null


There's a point about 35 minutes into Bring It On where you suddenly realize you're sitting in a movie theater, watching Bring It On, wondering exactly how the hell the events in your life conspired to put your ass in an uncomfortable movie theater seat... to watch Bring It On. But soon you give up, knowing there is no answer to this dilemma, and you resign yourself to watching the next hour of Bring It On, knowing full well that since it's a PG-13 movie, nothing scandalous is ever going to happen to make it interesting.

Going in to this movie, I knew full well it was, well, a movie about cheerleading, so I wasn't expecting another American Beauty (which, now that I think of it, was partly about cheerleading, but anyway...). Suffice it to say that my expectations were low. And sure enough, Bring It On is an utterly vapid film with horrendous character development, hackneyed dialogue, and a questionable theme. No surprise there. Essentially it is Fame in short skirts.

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