Stephen Harper

  • 27 March 2006


Political Figure

Justin Bieber Defends Wearing Overalls To Meet Canadian Prime Minster

By Michael West in Lifestyle / Showbiz on 27 November 2012

Justin Bieber Stephen Harper

Justin Bieber has defended his choice of outfit to meet with Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper. The pop superstar shook hands with the politician for a photo opportunity last week, though his slouchy white overalls attracted some criticism in the Twittersphere.

As well as tweeting an image of himself with Harper, Bieber also Instagrammed an image with the caption, "I hope you hate my style." The UK's Daily Mail was predictably outraged by the whole spectacle, asking, "Would a suit hurt, Justin?" A particularly funny Gawker piece on the overalls mused, "Look at Bieber's expression in that picture above. His smile is practically screaming, "I'm trolling you so hard right now and there's nothing you can do about it. I am 18 and you can't tell me how to dress. I am youth personified and you are very old." The Daily Mail article by journalist Hayley Peterson seemed to incense Justin, who took a screenshot of the piece, uploaded to Instagram and added the caption, "The pic of me and the Prime Minister was taken in a room in the arena where i was performing at that day. I walked straight from my meet and greet to him, if you 'Hayley' expect me to have a change of clothes let a loan a suit at that specific time that's crazy, It wasn't like it was like I was going into his environment we were at a hockey arena. Wow am i ever white trash hayley peterson lol"

So there you have it. Justin Bieber will wear overalls when he's decorating his house, fixing his car AND meeting prominent world leaders, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

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Fallen Out Of Favor? Justin Bieber Booed By Canadian Football Fans

By Hayley Avron in Lifestyle / Showbiz on 26 November 2012

Justin Bieber Stephen Harper

Has Justin Bieber fallen out of favor with his fellow country-folk? He’s not had a terribly good few days with the Canadians, it seems. It started when he decided to accept his Diamond Jubilee Medal from Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, wearing half-undone overalls and a backwards baseball cap. Whether it was this that prompted the booing that he received at Canada’s Grey Cap football match, or something else, we’re not sure. One thing’s for certain though; they didn’t like him and they went out of their way to make it obvious.

According to the Associated Press, the crowd at the stadium in Toronto booed when Bieber’s face popped up on the big screen. They booed again when his name was called. And they continued to boo when he performed ‘Boyfriend’ and his recent single ‘Beauty and the Beat.’ Bieber’s a tough little cookie though. Either that or all those years on noisy stages has left him hard of hearing. Either way, if he was upset, he didn’t show it. Either he was unaware, or belligerent but he posted a message on Twitter after the game to say “Thank you so much Canada, I Love you.” Oooh, actually, maybe that was sarcasm! Do we think Bieber’s mastered sarcasm yet?

The Prime Minister decided to leap to Bieber’s defence, regarding the whole overalls thing. He posted a message on his own Twitter feed, joking “In fairness to (Bieber), I told him I would be wearing my overalls too.”