Wonder - Trailer

  • 16 August 2017

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August 'Auggie' Pullman is a 10-year-old boy born with Treacher Collins syndrome which has caused facial birth defects and he's had no fewer 27 surgeries. He has been homeschooled throughout his childhood but is about to enter his first year of mainstream school at Beecher Prep. His parents are, of course, worried that he'll be the subject of bullying - no matter how much they assure him that he's special. Unfortunately, that's just what happens to him, but there are at least some school kids that are determined to build a friendship with him and make him feel welcome. Some kids are reluctant to associate with him, but after hearing some revelatory things, realise that the people they want to be are the people that will love Auggie for who he is.

'Wonder' is based on the 2012 novel of the same name by Raquel Jaramillo under the nom de plume R.J. Palacio. It became an instant best-seller and won both the Mark Twain Award and the Junior Young Reader's Choice Award. The novel itself was inspired by the Natalie Merchant song 'Wonder', and an experience that the author had with her own son and another disfigured child. The film has been directed by Stephen Chbosky ('The Perks of Being a Wallflower'), with a screenplay by Steve Conrad ('The Secret Life of Walter Mitty') and Jack Thorne ('How I Live Now'). 'Wonder' will be released in theatres on November 17th 2017.