Caitlyn Jenner Claims Kris Jenner Knew She Wanted To Be A Woman During Their Marriage

  • 09 November 2017

The complicated relationship with Caitlyn Jenner and her ex-wife, Kris continues to rumble on with Caitlyn now declaring the Kardashian/Jenner matriarch was aware of her gender identity struggle during their relationship. Caitlyn and the Kardashians - which comprise Kris and Caitlyn’s three step-daughters, Kourtney, Khloe and Kim - have been at war since the release of Caitlyn’s tell-all book in 2016, The Secrets of My Life.

Caitlyn Jenner has spoken about her relationship with Kris Jenner to Piers Morgan

Now the star of I Am Cait has revealed Kris - with whom she shares daughters Kendall and Kylie Jenner - was aware of the changes to her body she was going through as a result of hormone therapy.

Caitlyn claims Kris knew about her desire to be a woman throughout their 23-year marriage - something Kris has always denied.

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In a preview clip of an interview with British broadcaster Piers Morgan for his Life Stories TV series, Caitlyn insists that Kris was aware of it due to changes in her biological make-up stemming from hormone treatment.

She said: "I definitely told her, I even dressed up with her before we got married, only on one occasion.

"I had been on hormones for four and a half years... there are changes when you are on hormones which are tough to hide."

The Sun, who reported on the preview clip, then revealed Piers had asked if she had breasts while still married to Kris.

Caitlyn answered: "Yes, so yes I was honest to that point, I'm sure I downplayed it quite a bit but I was honest with her.

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"I told her before I ever slept with her, she knew".

"So she knew you had attempted to transition once, she knew you liked to cross dress, she knew you had feelings of being a woman, is that correct?" questioned Piers, to which Caitlyn reportedly responded "that's all good".

Referring to the rift between herself and her step-daughters following her book, the 68-year-old said she sent the family an unfinished version of the memoir leaving left out "the last couple of pages where I talked about gender confirmation", because she didn't want them to leak it to the press.

She said: "I didn't tell anybody, Why? it's none of their businss...." before adding they had no reason to be "p***sed off" as "I had already been living as Caitlyn for a year and a half".

"Of course I didn't trust them and so that's why it kind of proved my point," she added.