Bury Tomorrow

  • 25 May 2010

David Straw's Top Ten Albums Of 2016

By David Straw in Music / Festivals on 26 December 2016

Korn Architects Bury Tomorrow Letlive Every Time I Die

What a year this has been - 2016 has been the year that rock music has been yearning for since the turn of the decade.

Just from bands that didn't make the final ten, we've seen stunning new British bands break through in the likes of Milk Teeth and Zoax, while the Dillinger Escape Plan signed off with a record that eclipses even their own impeccable standards.

Never before has a list changed shape and order so often, and had so many records conspicuous for their absence. These ones, however, have made the cut...

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Bury Tomorrow - Earthbound Album Review

By David Straw in Music Reviews on 28 January 2016

In a landscape where the genre is becoming dangerously stale, a metalcore band as 'down the line' as Bury Tomorrow could run the risk of getting lost in the mix.

Rather than change their formula, or reinvent the wheel, they've just switched gears a little with third album Earthbound, kicking their sound up a notch and recording what is a joyously savage record, and a marked step up from their previous effort, Runes.

There's raw pace, power and fury from start to finish, from The Eternal's opening moments to the title track (and first single)'s gleeful mosh call of 'desolation of all you know', through to the Pantera-influenced groove and stomp in Bloodlines, Earthbound's closer.

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Slam Dunk - The Forum, Hertfordshire - May 24th 2015 Live Review

By Sophie Brannon in Music Reviews on 26 May 2015

It was all smiles at this year's Slam Dunk festival and, despite the rain, the Desperados and beer was flowing and the crowds were bouncing non-stop to 2015's incredible line-up.

As more and more bands were announced over the last few months, the anticipation was high and almost every band pulled it off with finesse, proving just why Slam Dunk is one of the country's best rock festivals.

Opening on the main stage was Set It Off. Despite all the drama that's surrounded the band over the past week with bassist Austin Kerr, the band didn't let it show when they jumped on stage and gave the performance of their life. Opening their set with 'Forever Stuck In Our Youth' and performing their other hits 'Why Worry', 'Ancient History' and more, they certainly kicked things off with a bang.

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Kerrang Tour Live 2015 - University of East Anglia LCR, Norwich - February 6th Live Review

By Sophie Brannon in Music Reviews on 09 February 2015

The first leg of the Kerrang Tour 2015 kicked off with a blast in Norwich on Friday (6/02/15). With Don Broco as the headliners plus We Are The In Crowd, Bury Tomorrow, Beartooth and last minute addition Young Guns all pitching in to put on one of the best shows the University of East Anglia LCR has ever seen.

Beartooth opened the show with 'Beaten in Lips' and their energetic performance set the crowd off jumping and singing along. Even those who didn't know the words soon caught on. However, it was clear that this energy tired the band quickly as the space between their songs to get their breath back were perhaps a bit too long. This didn't affect their performance, however, because as soon as the music kicked in they were back, jumping around the stage and encouraging the crowd to sing and jump along too. Performing tracks off their debut album 'Disgusting', the band carried themselves with dignity and showed Norwich exactly what they are about.

Next on the list was Bury Tomorrow. If it was possible for any other artist to scream as clearly as they do on CD then this is the band that does it the best. With the first circle pit of the night created during their first song 'Man on Fire' and shouting 'raise your f***ing hands in the air', the whole venue went crazy, and not once did they put their hands down. It was just a shame that you couldn't hear the clean vocals of Jason Cameron very well over the music. Playing tracks from their albums 'Runes' and 'Union of Crowds', people of all ages, backgrounds and hair colours couldn't help but enjoy them. Even the begrudging parents who wished for earplugs and sat as far away from the speakers as possible couldn't help rocking in time to the music and being ever so slightly amazed at Bury Tomorrow's quality in every breakdown.

Continue reading: Kerrang Tour Live 2015 - University of East Anglia LCR, Norwich - February 6th Live Review