Lorna Raver

  • 22 May 2009



Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage Trailer

For some people, the safety of a stable life on the shore is frankly unbearable; people like Sinbad. After reminiscing long enough over the danger and excitement of his previous adventures, the sailor is ready to set out on another voyage across the open sea. Luckily for him (or not, as the case may be for most people) he is challenged by the Sultan to chase down a wicked magician, who has callously snatched away his first-born daughter. Sinbad must travel great deserts and wild oceans, meeting numerous magical adversaries along the way in order to win back the Princess. He must face far greater horrors than he's ever seen before, and all while protecting royal blood.

Continue: Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage Trailer

The Caller Trailer

Mary is a recent divorcee, having broken things off with her abusive husband, Steven. She moves out of their once shared home and into an apartment. However, Steven doesn't want to get over Mary and so bombards her with a deluge of calls, so much so that she puts out a restraining order on him.

Continue: The Caller Trailer

Drag Me To Hell Trailer

Watch the trailer for Drag me To Hell

Continue: Drag Me To Hell Trailer