Anne Frank

  • 20 December 2005

History Lesson: Justin Bieber Claims Anne Frank 'Would Have Been A Belieber'

By Michael West in Music / Festivals on 15 April 2013

Justin Bieber Anne Frank Ricky Gervais

Justin Bieber suggested diarist Anne Frank would have been one of his devoted fans.

It's mockery all round for Justin Bieber, after the pop star made inappropriate comments following his visit to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. The teenage superstar, who has seemingly created controversy on every stop of his European tour, visited the hiding place of the young Holocaust victim, before suggesting she would have been 'a Belieber'. Yes, he did say that.

"Truly inspiring to be able to come here," he tweeted, which is fine. "Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber," which is not so fine. Frank became a symbol of the suffering of Jews during the Second World War, keeping a diary while she and her family hid from the Nazis in the Netherlands. She died in the notorious Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1945 aged just 15 after her hiding place was uncovered by the SS.

Most online commentators vented their anger at Bieber. "She would've been a WHAT? That little idiot is way to [sic] full of himself. She's an important historical figure so show some respect", said one user. Comedian Ricky Gervais joked, "I agree with Justin Bieber. Anne Frank would've loved his stuff.It's perfect for being played really really quietly so no one can hear it," while another said, "Justin Bieber actually thinks if Anne Frank was alive, she would be a fan.... wow dont you think she would of suffered enough?!"

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