Judith Chapman

  • 31 October 2005



Fire On The Amazon Review

By Jeremiah Kipp


For years, Roger Corman waited to release this title to the world of drooling teenagers who frequent those free porn sites. There's certainly a fervid audience out there who are just mad about the very notion of seeing their favorite "girl next door", Sandra Bullock, completely naked. It's even on DVD, so you can freeze-frame it on a whim. It'll be the thrill of their lifetimes - the rare opportunity to do a National Geographic study on this popular movie star. Could you imagine what would happen if this were Julia Roberts?If nothing else, Fire on the Amazon serves as a reminder that superstardom does not occur overnight in Tinseltown, and some unlucky starlets have to hock their wares in bottom-of-the-barrel, straight to video schlock. Yes, like many of those "overnight success" stories, Bullock had to slog through made-for-television weepies and cheapies, raunchy comedies and rip-offs of bigger, better Hollywood blockbusters.

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