Holly Willoughby To Present 'I'm A Celeb' Alongside Declan Donnelly

  • 29 August 2018

Holly Willoughby is to be paired up with Declan Donnelly to present this year’s edition of ‘I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here’ in the place of the beleaguered Ant Mcpartlin as he continues his hiatus from showbiz, ITV has announced.

37 year Willoughby, who has fronted ‘This Morning’ with Philip Schofield since 2009, will be filling in hosting duties for the 18th series of ‘I’m a Celeb’ when it returns to screens in November.

“I couldn't be more excited to have been asked to stand alongside Dec for the next jungle adventure,” she said in a statement. “These are big shoes, not to fill, but just to keep warm for a little bit. I love Ant and want to send him my best wishes and support for a continued recovery.”

Donnelly, who has always hosted the show with his colleague and best friend McPartlin since it began way back in 2002, said he is “hugely grateful” that Willoughby had agreed to sign up, adding that “I'm thrilled she said yes” but that it would be “a different kind of series” without Ant.

It means that, while she presents in Australia, her place on the ‘This Morning’ sofa alongside Schofield would be vacant, and the network has suggested it will be making a decision on a replacement soon.

More: Ant McPartlin won’t be back on our screens until 2019

Kevin Lygo, director of television for ITV, added: “Holly is a brilliant presenter with a wicked sense of humour who has always enjoyed a great friendship and rapport with Ant and Dec. I have no doubt she will take to jungle life, if not the critters, really quickly.”

Image caption Ant McPartlin is taking a break from television as he recovers from addiction

Earlier in 2018, 42 year old McPartlin was handed down a £86,000 fine and banned from driving for 20 months after admitting a charge of drink driving, following a vehicle collision in south-west London back in March.

He had previously taken a break from presenting after checking himself in to rehab in June 2017, admitting he had become addicted to painkillers and alcohol following a botched knee operations two years before. Following another hiatus in March, he had until recently been aiming to return to television for this year’s ‘I’m a Celeb’, but said a month ago that he would not be ready until 2019.

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