Alicia Keys: This Generation Will 'heal' The World

  • 07 June 2020

Alicia Keys believes this generation will ''heal'' the world.

The 'No One' hitmaker made an impassioned plea to this year's graduating class as she praised them for ''making sure their voices are heard''.

She said: ''Dear Class of 2020, congratulations! You've accomplished something remarkable. But let's be honest, it's been a hard week, and a hard month and a hard year. Right now, it may not feel like there's much to celebrate, and that's okay. It's okay to not be okay right now. I know so many of you are not thinking about your time at school, you're thinking about what's happening right now in the present. You're thinking about marching and protesting and making sure your voices are heard in a time where we cannot be silent. And I feel you, so much.''The world feels broken right now. It is broken right now in so many ways, but you're taking your heartbreak and your outrage and you're putting it into action and you are showing that your generation is the one that's gonna heal this. And I promise to always be by your side no matter where the fight for justice takes us next.''

And the 39-year-old singer has vowed change will come, if everyone ''educates'' themselves and hold others ''accountable''.

In her speech as part of the YouTube Originals' Dear Class of 2020 special, she added: ''The pain we're experiencing now, it's not new, but it feels different this time, right? I think for the first time, all of us, no matter what we look like or where we're from, we can see so clearly what injustice looks like.

''Now, we all can choose how to respond. The change only happens if all of us educate ourselves, if we hold each other accountable when we register to vote and make sure our voices are heard in November.''