'Everyone's Probably Sick Of The Sight Of Me': Margot Robbie To Take Break From Big Screen

  • 12 January 2024

Margot Robbie thinks she should "probably disappear" for a while.

The 33-year-old actress is planning a break from starring in movies because she thinks audiences are "sick" of seeing her after her last film, 'Barbie', was such a huge global hit last summer.

She told Deadline: "Everyone’s like, 'Are you having a break?' And I’m like, 'You do know I’m a producer, right? We don’t get a break.

"No, the producing is 24/7, but on the acting side, this is the longest I haven’t acted on a set, because we finished Barbie in October of 2022. So, it’s already been more than a year since I was on set as an actor, and other than Covid, that’s the first time that’s ever happened.

"I also think everyone’s probably sick of the sight of me for now. I should probably disappear from screens for a while.

"Honestly, if I did another movie too soon, people would say, 'Her again? We just did a whole summer with her. We’re over it.'

"I don’t know what I’ll do next, but I hope it’s a little while away."

Margot's production company Lucky Chap have made two movies with Emerald Fennell, 'Promising Young Woman' and 'Saltburn', and while the 'Wolf of Wall Street' actress would love to work with the director on one of her films, she is trying to be "unselfish" and doesn't want her own hectic schedule to "hold up" the director's work.

She admitted: "It’s a real act of self-control not to snatch up all the roles with her scripts, because all of them are so delicious.

"I’m trying to be really unselfish, because as truly tempting as they all are, we really didn’t start this company to make star vehicles.

"I also definitely never want to hold up a production. When Emerald has got a script ready to go, it’s ready to go. It’s not development. It’s not like, 'Oh, in a year and a half we’ll start piecing this together.'

"So, unless that lines up perfectly, I’m not going to be the person that holds it up."

Margot is also keen to direct eventually.

She said: "I really do want to direct. I’ve felt like I wanted to direct for about the last seven years. But I’ve always seen it as a privilege, not a right. I’ve been slowly working towards the feeling that I’ve earned the right to direct, and I feel I’m getting close to that feeling now...

"I’m not in any rush, because I feel that there’ll never be enough time to learn all the things I want to learn before I take that plunge, but I definitely have that itch, and it’s growing too strong. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to hold off."